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Shop Local

The Beebe Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to helping local businesses in Beebe, Arkansas thrive. We are an advocate for the community and its businesses and use our resources to help promote and grow the local economy.Whether you’re looking for unique boutiques, a local auto auction, antique store, local flea market, or livestock feed store, Beebe has something for everyone. We are proud to be a part of this community and proud to promote the many benefits of shopping local.

Where to shop

Being vocal about the benefits of small business can help bring in more customers to shop locally-owned and operated companies.


While large chains and e-commerce continue to grow and thrive, many consumers are committed to shopping locally. In fact, about 90% of Americans shop with local businesses at least once a week and as many of 42% of them visit more frequently. Shopping with major chains may have an added convenience factor, but shopping locally has many more benefits.

Here are just a few reasons to encourage people in your community to shop with small, local businesses as frequently as possible.

Keep It In The Neighborhood

When consumers shop local, the money they spend goes directly to support those within the community, rather than being filtered away to other states or even countries. Money spent at local stores and restaurants supports business owners within the neighborhood, as well as their employees. Directing funds to these individuals gives them the spending power to further support local businesses.

Creating Jobs At Home

Shopping locally increases the rate of business at your favorite neighborhood establishments. When business and revenue both increase, it’s much more likely that a small business will be able to hire more employees. This creates jobs within your own neighborhood, rather than pushing jobs to other areas. If your community is struggling with employment, shopping locally can help create more jobs and improve the economy in your town.

Shopping Local Creates Positive Impact

At the Beebe Chamber of Commerce, we are dedicated to supporting small business owners in our community and are passionate about promoting the benefits of shopping local. By helping to spread the word about the positive impact of shopping local, we can make a difference and make sure that the local businesses in our area can thrive.

We encourage you to shop local and support the businesses in your area. Visit Beebe today and see what we have to offer.

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Beebe Chamber of Commerce

102 N. Main St

Beebe, Arkansas 72012

©Beebe Chamber of Commerce 2023, All Rights Reserved

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